Double Glass Invisible System - DGIS
The Double Glass Invisible System (DGIS) is suitable for Facades, Doors and Windows. The System allows the continuity feeling from inside or from outside, creating with the reflection almost an invisible wall.
DGIS - Structure of the elements
• Exterior pane (types of glass: toughened safety glass or laminated/toughened glass )
• Spacer – DG usual
• Interior pane (types of glass: toughened safety glass laminated/toughened glass)
• Perimeter printing of the panes (min. width 26 mm)
• Perimeter printing in the gap between the panes
• Gap between the panes 25 mm
DGIS - Product features:
The DGIS offers considerable ecological and economical advantages:
• Environmentally friendly due to economical and ecological use of material and energy
• Tailored-to-size system production
• Simple, quick installation and adjustment
• Simple and safe maintenance – Cleaning has never been easier!
The DGIS simply disappears in the facade thus creating transparency and consequent aesthetics. Beam extensions and profiles are a thing of the past!
The DGIS gives maximum transparency to the entire construction due to the elimination of the usual window frame and the retainer profiles which are especially used in a facade system.
With the DGIS the brilliance of the glass can now develop its full potential resulting in a construction with the most pure elegance.
DGIS® – The New Generation Double Glass System by VSV
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